Central package repository
18155 results
Image editor for pixel art
Source-to-source plugin for enhancing EDSLs with static annotations
Common bin-packing heuristics.
Libary for Hidden Markov Models in HMMER3 format.
Base library for bioinformatics
BLAST-related tools
Vienna / DotBracket / ExtSS parsers
European Nucleotide Archive data
Ensembl related datastructures and functions
Importer for FR3D resources
streaming FASTA parser
Libary to interface with the Bioinformatics HTTP services - Entrez Ensembl
Tools to query Bioinformatics HTTP services e.g. Entrez, Ensembl.
Infernal data structures and tools
Multiple Alignment Format
Newick file format parser.
RNA folding training data
Import Turner RNA parameters
Collection of types for bioinformatics
Import Vienna energy parameters
Efficient RNA/DNA/Protein Primary/Secondary Structure
A preprocessor for Bird-style Literate Haskell comments with Haddock markup.
A module to aid in the (de)serialisation of binary data
A library to access bit.ly URL shortener.
Batteries-included Structured Logging library
Using Blammo with WAI
Libary to interface with the NCBI blast REST interface
Diagram editor
A tool for posting Haskelly articles to blogs