@hackage trace-function-call0.1

Easy lightweight tracing of function arguments and results for ad hoc debugging


You have a pure function that may be giving you incorrect results.

fib :: Int -> Int
fib n | n < 2     = n
      | otherwise = fib (n-1) - fib (n-2)

Insert a call to traceFunction to aid with debugging.

fib, fib' :: Int -> Int
fib = traceFunction "fib" fib'
fib' n | n < 2     = n
       | otherwise = fib (n-1) - fib (n-2)

Calls to your pure function now provide its parameters and result as debugging information.


Hopefully this will help you home in on your bug.

Note that traceFunction works with functions of more than one parameter...

traceElem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
traceElem = traceFunction "elem" elem

...and with "functions" of no parameters at all.

alpha = traceFunction "Fine-structure constant" $ e * e * c * mu0 / 2 / h

Parameters and results must implement the Show typeclass. As a special case, parameters may instead be functions, and are shown as an underscore (_).


KNOWN BUG: The resultant function is strict, even when the input function is non-strict in some of its parameters. In particular,

  • if one of the parameters is error "foo", the return value when the resultant function call is evaluated will be error "foo"; no trace message will be output

  • if one of the parameters doesn't terminate when evaluated, the resultant function call will not terminate when evaluated either; no trace message will be output