Measure the behaviour of your programs
71 results
A service for logging and monitoring over Cardano nodes
Tracers for Cardano
The forwarding protocols library for cardano node.
Package for tracing resources for linux, mac and windows
A GTK widget for displaying arbitrary Data.Data.Data instances
Convenience functions and instances for Debug.Trace
A graphical viewer for Hood
Lightweight algorithmic debugging.
debug features for kics
a transformation used by the kics debugger
Placeholder package to preserve debug ability via conditional builds
Microbenchmarks for various array libraries
Partial evaluation reflection a la simple-reflect.
Dump ASN1 structure
A hack to use GHC.Prim primitives in GHCi
Flexible byte dump helpers for human readers.
Simple trace-based debugger
Display a colorized diff between two Haskell values
File-based debug output
A preprocessor for the debug package
A structured alternative to Show
Debug.Trace equivalent for timing computations
Like Debug.Trace but writing to files.
You do not have to write variable names twice in Debug.Trace
See README for more info
A Tool to Visualize Parallel Functional Program Executions
Automatic profling of freer-simple programs
Determine the size of data structures in GHC's memory
Explicitly prevent sharing
Library and tool for parsing .eventlog files from GHC
Analyze and visualize event logs
Library and tool for parsing .eventlog files from parallel GHC
Extract the heap representation of Haskell values and thunks
Parser for GHC's JSON profiling output.
Turn GHC `-pj` profiling output into FlameGraph format.
Faster traceEvent and traceMarker, and binary object logging for eventlog
Live visualization of data structures in GHCi
parse output of ghci ":history" command
A Terminal User Interface (TUI) for GHCi
Memory allocation with added stress tests and integrity checks
Determine the size of runtime data structures
Debugging by observing in place
Dummy package to disable Hood without having to remove all the calls to observe
Debugging by observing in place
A tool for converting GHC heap-profiles to HTML.
Hpc-generated strobes for a running Haskell program
Tracer with AJAX interface
Hierarchical tracing for debugging of lazy evaluation
Diagnostics library
Check whether a value has been evaluated
Implementation of Java Debug Interface
Read files generated by perf on Linux
Free structures sans laws
Debug print formatting library.
generate pretty source from time/allocation profiles
Treemap visualiser for GHC prof files
Recover run-time type information from the GHC heap
Interface to ghci debugger
Tree representation and pretty-printing of data structures based on SYB
Simple reflection of expressions containing variables
Program to fold GHC prof files into flamegraph input
A graphical tool for profiling parallel Haskell programs.
A library for profiling time in Haskell applications
A replacement for undefined that gives warnings.
functions for logging the arguments and results of function calls
Easy lightweight tracing of function arguments and results for ad hoc debugging
Simple evaluation trace
Tracing utilities for Functor/Applicative/Monad types
Graph representation of the GHC heap
A library for transforming vacuum graphs into GraphViz output