@hackage pixelated-avatar-generator0.1.1

A library and application for generating pixelated avatars.

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Pixelated Avatar Generator is a Haskell library and application for generating pixelated avatar images from seed values.

import Graphics.Avatars.Pixelated

createAndSaveAvatar :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
createAndSaveAvatar s path = saveAvatar avatar path
  where avatar = scaleAvatar 32 $ generateAvatar seed
        seed   = createSeed s

Some examples of avatars generated by the library.


Pixelated Avatar Generator is a library which provides functions and data types for generating, altering, and saving pixelated avatars.

For information on how to use the library, see the documentation for the Graphics.Avatars.Pixelated module.


The documentation for the latest release of the library can be found in the library's Hackage entry.

Documentation of the development versions of the library can be generated by running the following command in the main directory of the project:

$ stack haddock

The generated html documentation can then be found in the following directory:



An example executable program that uses the library is also provided. It creates an avatar from a given seed string and saves the created .png image to a given file location.

The executable can be compiled by running the following command:

$ stack build

The executable can then by run by running it with stack exec and providing it the desired filepath of the output file including the .png extension and a random seed string.

$ stack exec pixelated-avatar-generator image.png "Hello, World"
Creating avatar at image.png
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█  ██  █
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Successfully created avatar, and saved it to image.png


Usage: pixelated-avatar-generator FILEPATH SEEDSTRING

FILEPATH   -- The location to save the generated avatar at. "img/test.png"
SEEDSTRING -- The string to use to generate the avatar. "Hello"


The source code of Pixelated Avatar Generator is available under the MIT license, see LICENSE for more information.