@hackage pixelated-avatar-generator0.1.0

A library and application for generating pixelated avatars.

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Pixelated Avatar Generator is a Haskell library and application for generating pixelated avatar images from seed values.

import Graphics.Avatars.Pixelated

createAndSaveAvatar :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
createAndSaveAvatar s path = saveAvatar avatar path
  where avatar = scaleAvatar 32 $ generateAvatar seed
        seed   = createSeed s

An example of an avatar generated by the library.


An example executable program that uses the library is also provided. It creates an avatar from a given seed string and saves the created .png image to a given file location.

The executable can be compiled by running the following command:

$ stack build

The executable can then by run by running it with stack exec and providing it the desired filepath of the output file including the .png extension and a random seed string.

$ stack exec pixelated-avatar-generator image.png "Hello, World"
Creating avatar at image.png
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Successfully created avatar, and saved it to image.png


Usage: pixelated-avatar-generator FILEPATH SEEDSTRING

FILEPATH   -- The location to save the generated avatar at. "img/test.png"
SEEDSTRING -- The string to use to generate the avatar. "Hello"


The source code of Pixelated Avatar Generator is available under the MIT license, see LICENSE for more information.