@hackage odd-jobs0.1.0

A full-featured PostgreSQL-backed job queue (with an admin UI)


Please read the detailed tutorial available at Odd Jobs Tutorial. Broadly, here is the most common way to get started with this library:

  • (For a working version of the steps described below, please check the simple-example directory in the project repo).

  • Create a DB table to hold your jobs using the OddJobs.Migrations.createJobTable function.

  • Create a sum-type to represent your job payloads, for example:

    data MyJob = SendWelcomeEmail Int
               | SendPasswordResetEmail Text
               | SetupSampleData Int
               deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)
  • Ensure that you use a "tagged" JSON encoding for this data-type for best results (this is the default behaviour in Aeson). For example:

    Aeson.encode (SendWelcomeEmail 10) == "{\"tag\":\"SendWelcomeEmail\", \"contents\":10}"
  • Create you "core" job-runner function:

    myJobRunner :: Job -> IO ()
    myJobRunner Job{jobPayload} = 
      case jobPayload of
        SendWelcomeEmail userId -> sendWelcomeEmail userId
        SendPasswordResetEmail tkn -> sendPasswordResetEmail tkn
        SetupSampleData userId -> sendPasswordResetEmail userId
  • Use OddJobs.Job.createJob and OddJobs.Job.scheduleJob within your app whenever you want to enqueue a job.

  • Use OddJobs.Cli to wrap all of this together into a nice CLI that can fork itself as a background daemon.

  • Hook this up to your deployment scripts and you're good to go!