@hackage inventory0.1.0.0

Project statistics and definition analysis


This is a utility that provides a variety of statistics about your Haskell project. These include:

  • A list of type signatures that are shared among multiple functions, enumerating those functions along with their definition sites.
  • Lists of the most used and least used definitions in the project.
  • A breakdown of local definitions, telling you the number of each type of definition as well as how many lines of code they take up.

Using inventory

Inventory uses .hie files to gather information about all haskell files in the project. Once you have generated .hie files for your project, execute inventory from your project's root.

How to generate .hie files


Add this to your cabal.project.local file:

package *
  ghc-options: -fwrite-ide-info -hiedir=.hie

Then do a full rebuild of the project:

cabal clean
cabal build all


Add this to your stack.yaml file:

  "$locals": -fwrite-ide-info

Then do a full rebuild:

stack clean
stack build


Here are some excerpts of the output that was produced by running inventory on the stack codebase:

Definition counts

Definiton counts image

Most used definitions

Most used image

Matching type signatures

Equivalent signatures image

The output for matching signatures can be useful for discovering functions that are duplicates of one another. For instance, the packageIdent and packageIdentifier functions in the above output turned out to be duplicates.

Known Issues/Limitations

  • Context such as constraints and foralls do not appear in the printed type signatures.
  • Standalone kind signatures are not yet included in definition counts.
  • GHC versions other than 8.8 and 8.10 are not currently supported.
  • Does not unfold type synonyms when comparing type signatures.