Haskell bindings for the Swiss Ephemeris C library
SwissTable hash map
A modern testing framework for Haskell with good defaults and advanced testing features.
A webdriver screenshot companion library for sydtest
Permutations, patterns, and statistics
Haskell bindings for the Syncthing REST API
Reversible parsing and pretty-printing.
Syntax instances for Attoparsec.
Text and ByteString printers for 'syntax'.
Working with Google's SyntaxNet output files - CoNLL, Tree
Random number generation for extensible effects.
tic-tac-toe core
tic-tac-toe server
Tensor Algebra COmpiler
Efficient and simple HTML/XML parsing library
The Tahoe-LAFS' Content-Hash-Key (CHK) cryptographic protocol.
An implementation of the "Great Black Swamp" LAFS protocol.
Tai64 Labels for Haskell
Line oriented fast enough text search
A tasty enhancement to cassava for easy csv exporting
Generate test-suites from refinement types.
Terminal Art
Distributed processing of changing tasks
CLI task / todo list manager with SQLite backend
Bindings to libtcod roguelike engine
On-line accumulation of rank-based statistics
Chart generation from tdigest
Pure Haskell TDS protocol implementation. Mainly for beam-mssql and beam-sybase
Telnet client and other things
music notation