@hackage wumpus-microprint0.9.0

Microprints - "greek-text" pictures.

A library to produce microprints [1] sometimes known as "greek-text".

A rudimentary tokenizer is provided, but it is largely untested.

Version 0.9.0 adds some new functionality, but the API is undercooked and is unsuitable for real use. The API will improve as Wumpus-Basic improves...

\[1\] http://scg.unibe.ch/archive/papers/Robb05b-microprintsESUG.pdf


  1. 8.0 to 0.9.0:

  • Made internal modules visible rather than hidden and changed the module path to be Wumpus.Microprint (lower-case p) rather then Wumpus.MicroPrint (upper-case P).

  • Added a more efficient builder than the Teletype.

  1. 7.0 to 0.8.0:

  • Internal changes to work with latest Wumpus-Basic.