@hackage warped0.0.1

Warp and Wai Library.



Package version Build status Dependency status

Warped is a support library around WAI and the warp server.


warped has a shakefile/makefile to provide convience around building and testing:

# build the project's libraries, executables, and tests
$ ./Shakefile.hs build-tests-error

# test the project
$ ./Shakefile.hs tests-error

# start an interpreter with the project's libraries, executables, and tests loaded
$ ./Shakefile.hs ghci-tests

# install the project's executables
$ ./Shakefile.hs install

# clean the project
$ ./Shakefile.hs clean

# lint the project source code
$ ./Shakefile.hs lint

# format the project source code
$ ./Shakefile.hs format


To build, install, run, and test warped, the following dependencies may be required: