@hackage uniprot-kb0.1.0.0

UniProt-KB format parser


Travis hackage hackage-deps

A well-typed UniProt file format parser.


To build Haddock documentation run:

$ stack haddock

Usage example

To use the parser and types import:

λ> import Bio.Uniprot

Than you can parse any Text of UniProt by using parseRecord function. The result will be presented by a Record datatype:

data Record = Record
  { id   :: ID
  , ac   :: AC
  , dt   :: DT
  , de   :: DE
  , gn   :: [GN]
  , os   :: OS
  , og   :: Maybe OG
  , oc   :: OC
  , ox   :: Maybe OX
  , oh   :: [OH]
  , refs :: [Reference]
  , cc   :: [CC]
  , dr   :: [DR]
  , pe   :: PE
  , kw   :: KW
  , ft   :: [FT]
  , sq   :: SQ
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)