@hackage typelits-witnesses0.1.0.0

Existential witnesses, singletons, and classes for operations on GHC TypeLits

Provides witnesses for KnownNat and KnownSymbol instances for various operations on GHC TypeLits - in particular, the arithmetic operations defined in GHC.TypeLits, and also for type-level lists of KnownNat and KnownSymbol instances.

This is useful for situations where you have KnownNat n, and you want to prove to GHC KnownNat (n + 3), or KnownNat (2*n + 4).

It's also useful for when you want to work with type level lists of KnownNat or KnownSymbol instances and singletons for traversing them, and be able to apply analogies of natVal and symbolVal to lists with analogies for SomeNat and SomeSymbol.

See README for more information.