@hackage trace-embrace1.0.5

Smart version of Debug.Trace module

Writing tracing code is very boring activity, especially in Haskell. The trace-embrace package minimizes the hassle of writing traces and maintaining them in codebase. Thanks to TH-driven DSL whole chunks of code containing function arguments could be quickly copy-pasted for tracing without massaging in a text editor.

There are several issues with functions from standand GHC module Debug.Trace:

  • no trace emitting location

  • tracing expressions solicit to write lot of boilerplate code

  • not possible to disable tracing without recompilation

  • tracing is coupled with optimizaiton flag

  • no per module granularity - all trace messages are disabled all at once

Let’s look how trace-embrace deals with these issues.


TH macros with help of GHC lib, besides the module and the line of exrpession emitting a trace message, find function or method name where the expression is.

The trace message format is customizable through a config file (trace-embrace.yaml) located next to a cabal one, which is automatically generated if it is missing at build time. The trace line pattern can include location related fields such as PackageName, FullyQualifiedModule, ModuleName, FunctionName, and LineNumber.

  - tag: FullyQualifiedModule
  - contents: ':'
    tag: Delimiter
  - tag: FunctionName
  - contents: ' '
    tag: Delimiter
  - tag: LiteralMessage
  - tag: Variables

In a small function, a trace expression, containing only a space separated list of variables, is still very informative, because the rest is done by the library based on the expression context and configuration. The function name gives literal part for tracing. The library understands Haskell syntax very well and variables can be copy/pasted in bulk “AS-IS” with comments and even pattern matching.

module Module where
fun x (Just y) = $(tr "/x (Just y)") $ x + y

The expression and config from above following trace message is produced:

Module:fun ; x: 123; y: 777

The argument of tr consists of literal message and list of variables for tracing. These parts are split by right slash.

Trace control

Trace control has several dimensions.

Compile/run time

Tracing code generation can be disabled at compile time in the config file or later at launch runtime via an environment variable. The variable name depends on configuration and by default it is a cabal package name (in upper case) prefixed with TRACE_EMBRACE_.

  # expand all tracing macros to 'id' or 'pure ()' depending on the context
  tag: TraceDisabled


  # use Debug.Trace.trace group of functions
  tag: TraceStd
  # disable runtime configuration
  tag: Ignored


If the environment variable is not defined then tracing is enabled. If the variable expands to a dash (-) then tracing is disabled. Otherwise the variable should contain a path to a file with module prefixes specifing trace levels. Structure of runtime config file is equal to the structure of levels section.

- '!Data.Map.Strict'     # exclamation mark is warning level
- '|Control.Concurrent'  # bar - bottom -> is error level
- 'Foo.Bar'              # default is info level
- '-'                    # dash is trace level
  tag: TraceStd
  tag: CapsPackageName   # default


Tracing levels

Both Haskell modules and tracing expressions have tracing levels. If expression tracing level is greater or equal to thershold tracing level of containing module then the message is emitted. Modules by default have threshold trace and unprefixed literal message has tracing level info.

module Module where
yes x = $(tr "!I am emitted/") x
yep x $(tr "|I am emitted/") x
no x = $(tr "I am not emitted/") x
nope x = $(tr "-I am not emitted/") x


- '!Foo'
- '-Fo'
- '#Foo.Bar'

Runtime tracing level for a module cannot relax compile time tracing level.

Every cabal package uses a dedicated envirnonment variable so no conflict between dependencies using trace-embarce library is likely possible.

Trace Sink

Besides Debug.Trace.trace and /dev/null, trIo, tr tw and tw' functions can forward tracing messages to hPutStrLn or Debug.Trace.traceEvent.

  tag: TraceEvent


    contents: /tmp/log.log
    tag: FileSink
  tag: TraceUnsafeIo


    tag: StdErrSink
  tag: TraceUnsafeIo

Configuration file

The file is generanted on build if missing.

Default compile time config file (trace-embrace.yaml)

- '-'
  tag: TraceStd
  tag: CapsPackageName
  entrySeparator: '; '
  keyValueSeparator: ': '
  retValPrefix: ' => '
  - tag: FullyQualifiedModule
  - contents: '::'
    tag: Delimiter
  - tag: FunctionName
  - contents: ': '
    tag: Delimiter
  - tag: LiteralMessage
  - tag: Variables
version: 1

Sample of runtime config file

Runtime config file is also in YAML format, but its structure is way simpler.

- '-'         # empty prefix set default thershold equal to trace level
- '!Foo'
- 'Fo'
- '#Foo.Bar'  # threshold higher than error - disable tracing expression

Passing runtime config to foo-bar.cabal:

TRACE_EMBRACE_FOO_BAR=- ./foo        # disable tracing
TRACE_EMBRACE_FOO_BAR=rtc.yaml ./foo # override threshold levels

The variable name can be specified explicitly:

  tag: EnvironmentVariable
  varName: "FOO_BAR"


TH version of traceWith

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Module where

import Debug.TraceEmbrace

fun :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
fun x y z = $(tw "get/x y z") (x + y + z)

A trace line for the snippet above would be:

Module:fun: 7 get; x: 1; y: 2; z: 3 => 6

Trace lazy ByteString structure

ByteString Show instance does not show chunks, but it can be important in parser debugging (attoparsec). Value of a type with not enough informative Show instance could be wrapped into ShowTrace and more detailed Show instance should be provided.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Module where

import Debug.TraceEmbrace
import Data.ByteString.Lazy

-- instance Show (ShowTrace ByteString) where
--   show ...

fun :: ByteString -> ByteString
fun bs = $(tr "get/bs;bs") bs

A trace line for the snippet above would be:

Module:fun: 11 get; bs: “abc”; bs: [“ab”, “c”]

For tracing returning values wrapped into ShowTrace use tw'.

Pattern matching syntax

Template tracing functions support Haskell pattern syntax and comments, so function arguments can be quickly copy-pasted as-is:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Module where

import Debug.TraceEmbrace

fun :: Maybe ([Int], Int) -> Int
fun v@(Just ([x], {-ignore-} _)) = $(tr "get/v@(Just ([x], {-ignore-} _))") x
fun _ = 0

A trace line for the snippet above would be:

Module:fun: 7 get; v: 1; x: 1

Unlifted vars

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
module Module where

import Debug.TraceEmbrace
import GHC.Exts

fun :: Int -> Int
fun (I# x#) = (I# ($(tr "get/x#") x#))

A trace line for the snippet above would be:

Module:fun: 7 get; x#: 1#