@hackage tagged-exception-core2.2.0.0

Reflect exceptions using phantom types.

Tagged Exception Core

Hackage Hackage Dependencies Haskell Programming Language BSD3 License



Reflect exceptions using phantom types. This library provides core API and others may build on top of it.

Usage Example

Example of reflecting reised exception in type:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

import Control.Exception (Exception)

import Control.Monad.TaggedException (Throws)
import qualified Control.Monad.TaggedException as E (liftT, throw)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)

data NotReady = NotReady String
    deriving (Show, Typeable)
        -- Both required by Exception class

instance Exception NotReady

myFunction :: Input -> Throws NotReady IO Output
myFunction input = do

    -- ... some stuff ...

    -- isReady :: Input -> IO Bool
    ready <- E.liftT $ isReady input
    unless ready
        . E.throw $ NotReady "Resource of myFunction is not ready."

    -- ... some other stuff ...


The BSD 3-Clause License, see LICENSE file for details.


Contributions, pull requests and bug reports are welcome! Please don't be afraid to contact author using GitHub or by e-mail.