@hackage selections0.1.0.3

Combinators for operating with selections over an underlying functor



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selections is a haskell package for transforming subsets of values within a functor using an intuitive selection-based interface.

Ever wished you could select just a few values within a functor, perform some operations on them, then flatten them back into the plain old functor again? Now you can!

Selection is a newtype wrapper around Functors which adds several combinators and interesting instances. Wrapping a functor in Selection allows you to:

  • Select specific values within your functor according to a predicate
  • Expand/Contract selections based on additional predicates using include and exclude
  • Select values based on their context if your functor is also a Comonad
  • Map over unselected and/or selected values using Bifunctor
  • Traverse over unselected and/or selected values using Bitraversable
  • Fold over unselected and/or selected values using Bifoldable
  • Perform monad computations over selected values if your functor is a Monad
  • Extract all unselected or selected elements to a list
  • Deselect and return to your original functor using unify

Lenses and traversals coming eventually!

Technically you could use Selection as a monad-transformer, but it's a bit clunky and you'd probably be better off with EitherT. Fun fact, Selection is isomorphic to EitherT, but the semantics are quite different and they're suited to different purposes.


We'll start off using a simple list as our underlying functor.

You may find it useful to throw in some Type Applications to help disambiguate type for the compiler. This typically isn't an issue in compiled code, but the interpreter can get confused from time to time.

{-# language TypeApplications #-}
import Data.Functor.Selection

-- This combinator is super handy for chaining selections along
(&) :: a -> (a -> c) -> c
(&) = flip ($)

xs :: [Int]
xs = [1..6]

Let's select just the even numbers and see what we get!

evens :: Selection [] Int Int
evens = newSelection xs & select even
-- Selection {runSelection = [Left 1,Right 2,Left 3,Right 4,Left 5,Right 6]}

Cool, we can see that the underlying representation consists of our original functor, except it uses Either to show which elements are selected. Let's multiply our odd elements by two with mapUnselected

byTwo :: Selection [] Int Int
byTwo = evens & mapUnselected (*2)
-- Selection {runSelection = [Left 2,Right 2,Left 6,Right 4,Left 10,Right 6]}

Notice that even though the numbers became even as a result of the transformation the same elements remain selected. If you wanted to you could run 'select even' again to include the new elements.

Let's exclude anything greater than 5 from our selection, then get the numbers that remain selected as a list

excluded :: [Int]
excluded = byTwo & exclude (>5) & getSelected
-- [2, 4]

Nice! Looks like it worked! Notice how the order of elements remained the same through the whole thing!

The types of the selected and unselected elements are allowed to diverge! So long as they line up when we decide to get the results then it's all good! We can use unify :: Selectable s f => (b -> c) -> (a -> c) -> s b a -> f c to help us out with that.

Let's try it out!

diverged :: Selection [] String Int
diverged = newSelection @(Selection []) [1..6] & select even & mapUnselected show
-- Selection {runSelection = [Left "1",Right 2,Left "3",Right 4,Left "5",Right 6]}
unified :: [Int]
unified = diverged & mapUnselected ("100"++) & unify read id

[] is a great functor to try out because it has Applicative and Monad instances defined, which both act pretty much as you'd expect, but they only consider selected values!

evens :: Selection [] Int Int
evens = newSelection [1..6] & select even 

plus10 :: Selection [] Int Int
plus10 = do
  x <- evens
  newSelection [x + 10, x + 100]
-- Selection {runSelection = [Left 1,Right 12,Right 102,Left 3,Right 14,Right 104,Left 5,Right 16,Right 106]}