@hackage select0.1

Give the select(2) POSIX function a simple STM interface

While tinkering on a project, I frequently found myself having to make FFI calls to select(2). This package is an attempt reduce the boilerplate I needed to do that. While at it, I took the opportunity to have what select returns put in a TMVar.

The package has three parts:

just wraps select.
and Control.Concurrent.MVarIO put the return value of IO actions into a TMVar or an MVar, respectively.
and System.Posix.IO.Select.MVar do the above for select.

NOTE: I feel I'm occupying prime namespace realestate with a package name like select. I'll happily let myself be chased away if anybody else wants to use this package name. Let me know.

CAVEAT: I'm not an experienced Haskeller, and this is my first foray into FFI in general.