@hackage repa-v4l20.1.0.0

Provides high-level access to webcams.

Provides high-level access to webcams for Haskell programs.

The current state is that the library provides a monad for grabbing images from a webcam under Linux. In the future, more functionality like image processing functions and other input devices may be added.

Last time I checked, the v4l2 package was not on hackage, but it can be retrieved from here: https://gitorious.org/hsv4l2

For images, repa arrays are used. Therefore, all the repa goodness can be used with the data. It should also be possible without too much hassle to write a function which gets the data into a different type of array, if that is necessary.

Getting an image with a v4l webcam works like this:

import Graphics.Webcam.Linux main = runCam (grab >>= saveBmp "my_image.bmp") (Webcam 0)

If anyone wants to help, please contact me!