@hackage pec0.1

pec embedded compiler

Introducing the pec language and pec embedded compiler.

The intent of pec is to provide a drop-in replacement for C, but with modern language features. Pec is a procedural language with a functional/declarative feel. Programming in pec is very similar to monadic programming in Haskell. The primary use case for pec is to provide a productive environment for writing safe, performant embedded applications.

Feature list

  • Easy C integration
  • No garbage collection
  • Strong typing with Hindley-Milner type inference
  • Safe pointers, no indexing out of bounds
  • Variants, vectors, tuples, records, arbitrary sized integers
  • User defined, polymorphic data structures
  • Parametric polymorphism, ad-hoc polymorphism, laziness (strict by default), user-defined operators, etc.
  • Modules
  • Compiles to LLVM (C planned)
  • Haskell-ish syntax/layout
  • BSD license

Pec (the language and the compiler) is in the alpha stage of development. The compiler is implemented in Haskell and has a very small codebase (thanks to several existing Haskell tools/libraries).

You can download and install pec via cabal or access the git repository on github (git@github.com:stevezhee/pec.git).

Any feedback on the design and/or implementation of pec would be greatly appreciated :)

Thanks, Brett brettletner at gmail dot com