@hackage openapi-typed0.0.0.0

Types for OpenAPI


Haskell types for OpenAPI 3.0.0. The types follow the following opinonated conventions and deviations from the standards:

  • For each OpenAPI object represented as data, provides the following:
    • a docstring showing how the constructor works
    • a constructor with fields named using the convention _<data>_field
    • a derivation of Eq for each data class
    • a derivation of Show for each data class
    • a derivation of ToJSON for each data class
    • a derivation of FromJSON for each data class
    • a getter for each field using the convention get<data><field>, where the field is capitalized, ie getPathItemSummary
    • a setter for each field using the convention set<data><field>, where the field is capitalized, ie setPathItemSummary
    • an either function for all datatypes with multiple construtors that take a single argument using the convention either<data><constructor>, ie eitherReferenceOrRef
  • Adds the possibility to use x- extensions on almost all objects, as this happens a lot in the wild.
  • Changes the items type in shema to accept a tuple in addition to a schema and a reference.

The Hackage package is in openapi-typed. The tests show how to use this library to parse the Slack and Stripe OpenAPI specs.