@hackage missing-py21.0.1

Haskell interface to Python

missing-py2 Build Status

A fork of John Goerzen's [MissingPy] softmechanics-missingpy

Updated to run with GHC 7.6.3 and run with Python 2.7.3, for maintaining projects with existing MissingPy dependencies.

see the original documentation for that project here.


Just add missing-py2 to your build-depends list, e.g:

        base < 5 && >= 4
    ,   missing-py2

The original documentation prescribes that the OverlappingInstances GHC extension is neccessary anywhere you use the Python.* modules.

That may be neccessary, however the unit tests seem to run fine without it now.

Don't forget to run py_initialize from Python.Interpreter during the start up phase of your application

Requires the python-dev libs, which can be installed on Ubuntu with sudo apt-get install python-dev.

See Also

  • [softmechanics/missingpy] softmechanics-missingpy : The original project
  • cpython : Another set of libpython bindings (looks more well-maintained), this would probably be preferable for new projects.