@hackage jvm-batching0.2.0

Provides batched marshalling of values between Java and Haskell.


Provides batched marshalling of values between Java and Haskell.

It provides reify and reflect instances for vectors, which marshal values in batches, which is more efficient than marshalling values one at a time.

instance (Interpretation a, BatchReify a) => Reify (V.Vector a) where

instance (Interpretation a, BatchReflect a) => Reflect (V.Vector a) where

See the documentation in Language.Hava.Batching for an overview on how the implementation works.

Using it as a dependency

Add jvm-batching to the list of dependencies in your .cabal file. Then edit the Setup.hs file to add the jvm-batching.jar to the classpath.

import Distribution.Simple
import Language.Java.Inline.Cabal
import qualified Language.Java.Batching.Jars

main = do
    jars <- Language.Java.Batching.Jars.getJars
    defaultMainWithHooks (addJarsToClasspath jars simpleUserHooks)

Add a custom-setup stanza to your .cabal file.


Layout of source directories

This is a multi-language package. We use Maven's standard directory layout to organize source code in multiple languages side-by-side.