@hackage hslua0.7.1

A Lua language interpreter embedding in Haskell

hslua – Lua interpreter interface for Haskell

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Hslua provides bindings, wrappers, types, and helper functions to bridge haskell and lua.

Using a different lua version

To use system-wide installed Lua/LuaJIT when linking hslua as a dependency, build/install your package using --constraint="hslua +system-lua" or for LuaJIT: --constraint="hslua +system-lua +luajit". For example, you can install Pandoc with hslua that uses system-wide LuaJIT like this:

cabal install pandoc --constraint="hslua +system-lua +luajit"


Where are the coroutine related functions? Yielding from a coroutine works via longjmp, which plays very badly with Haskell's RTS. Tests to get coroutines working with HsLua were unsuccessful. No coroutine related functions are exported from the default module for that reason. However, raw bindings to the C API functions are still provided in Foreign.Lua.RawBindings. If you get coroutines to work, or just believe that there should be wrapper functions for other reasons, we'd love to hear from you.