@hackage hol1.1

Higher order logic

The hol package

The hol package is a Haskell library that implements a higher order logic kernel. It can read proof files in OpenTheory format, and includes a pretty-printer compatible with the standard theory library.

This software is released under the MIT License.


Installing the hol package requires cabal:

git clone https://github.com/gilith/hol.git
cd hol
cabal install


Use cabal to run the test suite:

cabal test


Before starting, make sure the GHC system and the GHC text and transformers libraries are installed with profiling support. On a Debian system the following command installs them:

 apt-get install ghc-prof libghc-text-prof libghc-transformers-prof

Next use cabal to install the other dependent libraries with profiling support:

cabal sandbox init
cabal configure --enable-library-profiling --enable-profiling --enable-benchmarks
cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-library-profiling

Build the hol package library and benchmark program:

cabal configure --enable-library-profiling --enable-profiling --enable-benchmarks
cabal build

Use the opentheory tool to create a benchmark file:

 opentheory info --article -o base.art base

Then use cabal to run the benchmark:

cabal bench

The time and memory allocation profile of the program can be viewed in text format:

less hol-profile.prof

Alternatively the memory allocation profile can be viewed as a graph:

hp2ps -e8in -c hol-profile.hp
ps2pdf hol-profile.ps
xpdf hol-profile.pdf