@hackage haskell-lsp-client1.0.0.0

A haskell package to build your own Language Server client.


This package is intended for developers of text editors who want to make their text editor compatible with the Language Server Protocol.

I have developed this package with plans to integrate it in the Yi editor.

The example client

Contained in this repository is an example client. This example client just runs the Haskell IDE Engine and opens the file specified on the command line. Then it waits a second to let HIE check the file for errors and such.

To run the example:

  1. Download and install the Haskell IDE Engine. (make sure hie is on your PATH)
  2. git clone https://github.com/noughtmare/haskell-lsp-client
  3. cd haskell-lsp-client
  4. stack build
  5. stack exec example-client -- example/Main.hs

On my system it shows something about a capability registration request and that a certain hoogle database is used. You can replace example/Main.hs with any haskell file you would like to check. It reports ghc errors and hlint suggestions.