@hackage googleplus0.2.1

Haskell implementation of the Google+ API


Haskell implementation of the GooglePlus api. For more info, see http://developers.google.com/+/api/


Requires that you have cabal installed. I've included a Makefile for convenience. To install run make install

Alternatively, you can install this from Hackage: cabal install googleplus


make doc will generate a doc directory. Point your browser at the index.html to see the Haddock documentation.

Brief Example

This example is included in the documentation of the Web.GooglePlus:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Web.GooglePlus
import Web.GooglePlus.Monad
import Web.GooglePlus.Types
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Text (unpack)

doStuff :: GooglePlusM ()
doStuff = do
  Right person <- getPerson Me
  Right feed   <- getActivityFeed Me PublicCollection
  -- ...
  return ()

main :: IO ()
main = do
  runReaderT (unGooglePlusM doStuff) env
  where env  = GooglePlusEnv { gpAuth = APIKey "MYKEY" }