@hackage forex2ledger1.0.0.2

Print Forex quotes in Ledger format


This tool prints currency exchange rates in plain text account format, e.g.;

$ stack run -- --config_file config-sample.toml
P 2021-03-21 USD 0.929777 CHF
P 2021-03-21 USD 0.836925 EUR


Run stack install. This command installs the forex2ledger binary in your PATH.


You will need a valid app ID from http://openexchangerates.org.

  1. Add a valid app ID to config-sample.toml.
  2. Run forex2ledger --config_file config-sample.toml.

Sample config file

An example config file looks like this:

# config-sample.toml
# The AppId for https://openexchangerates.org/
oer_app_id = 'SAMPLEAPPID'
currency.base = 'USD'
currency.targets = [