@hackage drinkery0

Boozy streaming library


drinkery is a yet another stream processing library themed on liquors. While it offers a simple interface, it also tries to be as expressive as possible.


drinkery supports three types of producers: Barman, Sommelier, and Tap.

Barman r s is a monad transformer to produce a stream of type s. It is good at interactively serving values. topup :: s -> Barman r s m a is the primary action. A barman can also accept requests from the downstream using accept.

Sommelier r is a list-like backtracking monad (also known as ListT done right). It is useful for sampling elements of containers with effects. taste :: Foldable f => f s -> Sommelier r m s samples elements in any Foldable container. inquire to interact with the downstream.

Tap is an endless producer. This can be connected to a 'Patron' or a 'Distiller'.

Barman and Sommelier are converted to Tap by runBarman and runSommelier respectively.


Patron r s is a monad transformer which consumes s and may request r.

MonadDrink provides the actions of Patron:

  • drink :: m s Get one element.
  • spit :: s -> m () Leave one element.
  • call :: r -> m () Send a request.

(+&) :: (Monoid r, CloseRequest r, Monad m) => Tap m r s -> Patron r s m a -> m a connects a tap with a patron.


Distiller p q m r s is a stream transducer which

  • Sends p
  • Consumes q
  • Receives r
  • Produces s

It is actually a Tap where the underlying monad is Patron.

There are three composition operators:

  • $& Distiller-patron
  • $$$ Distiler-distiller
  • ++$ Tap-distiller

+, &, and $ means a tap, a patron, and a distiller respectively. The middle characters of these operators signify the resulting structures.

Why drinkery?

drinkery is designed to be fully featured and complements other libraries' missing functionalities.


pipes is quite similar in that both Proxy and Distiller are bidirectional. Still there are some differences:

  • Distiller does not terminate.
  • Unlike pipes' >->, $$$ propagates inner requests:
    • ($$$) :: Monoid r => Distiller p q m r s -> Distiller r s m t u -> Distiller p q m t u
    • (>->) :: Proxy a' a () b m r -> Proxy () b c' c m r -> Proxy a' a c' c m r
  • Patron, the consumer monad, may leave unconsumed inputs.
  • drinkery has much fewer operators.


Both drinkery and conduit support leftovers, closing operation, and end of stream. The main difference is interactivity.


machines has multi-channel consumers but drinkery doesn't. machines does not support leftovers, nor interactive producers.


iteratee has an ability to handle requests but those are untyped (SomeException). drinkery provides a more robust interface for handling requests. Two monadic producers - Barman and Sommelier - are easier to use.