@hackage scrapbook0.5.0

collect posts of site that is wrote in config yaml using feed or scraping


Hackage Build Status

This is cli tool that collect posts of site that is wrote in config yaml using feed or scraping.


  1. clone this repository or add scrapbook package to extra-deps in stack.yaml
  2. run stack install


$ stack exec -- scrapbook -o "example" example/sites.yaml


$ docker run --rm -v `pwd`/example:/work matsubara0507/scrapbook scrapbook sites.yaml

build docker image:

$ stack --docker build -j 1 Cabal # if out of memory in docker
$ stack --docker --local-bin-path=./bin install
$ docker build -t matsubara0507/scrapbook . --build-arg local_bin_path=./bin


scrapbook [options] [input-file]
  -o DIR                --output=DIR                 Write output to DIR instead of stdout.
  -t FORMAT, -w FORMAT  --to=FORMAT, --write=FORMAT  Specify output format. default is `feed`.
                        --version                    Show version


>> import Control.Lens ((^.))
>> import Data.Maybe
>> conf <- fromJust <$> readConfig "example/sites.yaml"
>> (Right posts) <- collect . fmap concat $ mapM (fetch . toSite) (conf ^. #sites)
>> collect $ writeFeed "example" (fromJust $ conf ^. #feed) posts
Right ()


see matsuara0507/scrapbook-example


How to write config yaml file.

# configuration for generating Atom feed (Optional)
  ## write as site title to Atom feed
  title: "Sample Site Posts"
  ## write as site url to Atom feed
  baseUrl: "https://example.com"
  ## file name (Optional)
  ### if nothing, use same name from input file
  name: atom.xml

# Haskeller's site configuration
    ## Title of site
  - title: "ひげメモ"
    ## Author of site
    author: matsubara0507
    ## URL of site
    url: https://matsubara0507.github.io
    ## Feed url of site
    ### there are several field to set feed url
    ### `feed` is basic field. This field auto branch to Atom or RSS 2.0.
    feed: https://matsubara0507.github.io/feed
  - title: "Kuro's Blog"
    author: "Hiroyuki Kurokawa"
    url: http://kurokawh.blogspot.com/
    ### `atom` is for Atom feed.  
      ### feed url of Atom
      url: http://kurokawh.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
      ### set attr as constraint for link on each entry of Atom feed (Optional)
      ### if nothing, choice head. if set multiple attr, conjunction.
        rel: alternate
  - title: "あどけない話"
    author: "kazu-yamamoto"
    url: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kazu-yamamoto
    ### `rss` is for RSS 2.0 feed.
    ### set feed url.
    rss: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kazu-yamamoto/rss2