@hackage doctest-extract0.1.1.1

Alternative doctest implementation that extracts comments to modules

Known Issues

  • For compatibility with original doctest parser you cannot write

    {-# LANGUAGE MyPreferredExtension #-}

    Instead you must write

    :set -XMyPreferredExtension
  • In Literal Haskell files only \\begin{code} ... \\end{code} blocks are scanned, but not bird style code blocks.

  • prop> does not support multi-line code, because both original doctest and haddock do not support it.

  • IO tests are not supported as doctest examples, so far. We need a syntactic distinction for IO tests, because doctest-extract does not employ a type-checker. We could mark IO tests with a specific id function, as in ioTest $ runMyTest or a type annotation, as in runMyTest :: IO ().