@hackage direct-sqlite2.3

Low-level binding to SQLite3. Includes UTF8 and BLOB support.

This package is not very different from the other SQLite3 bindings out there, but it fixes a few deficiencies I was finding. It is not as complete as bindings-sqlite3, but is slightly higher-level, in that it supports marshalling of data values to and from the database. In particular, it supports strings encoded as UTF8, and BLOBs represented as ByteStrings.

Release history:

Version 2.3
Mark some FFI calls "unsafe", for a substantial performance benefit.
Version 2.2.1
Bump down text library version to match with the latest Haskell Platform.
Version 2.2
actually does what version 2.1 claimed to, since the author made a mistake with git.
Version 2.1
improves handling of invalid UTF-8 and changes error handling to be more complete. It also adds a build flag to build against the system sqlite instead of the bundled one, optionally (disabled by default).
Version 2.0
uses Text for strings instead of String.
switches to the Faction packaging system and makes no other changes.
Version 1.1
adds the SQLite amalgamation file (version 3.7.5) to the project, so that there are no external dependencies.