@hackage ansi-terminal-game1.9.3.0

cross-platform library for terminal games

================== ansi-terminal-game

ansi-terminal-game is a library for creating games in a terminal setting.


  • be cross platform (linux/win/mac). If you plan to have your executable unix only, I invite you to check brick [1] or other, more expressive libraries.
  • be simple: no curses/ncurses/pdcurses/etc. dependencies, all functionality built on a standard input / ANSI terminal base.

[1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/brick


  • run the basic example with cabal new-run -f examples alone;
  • check the source in examples/Alone.hs;
  • open the 'Terminal.Game' haddock documentation (start reading from data Game).

A full game can be found at:


Other games made with a-t-g

If you want yours to be added to this list, write to me.


For any feedback or report, contact me at:



browse repo: http://www.ariis.it/static/repos/stagit/ansi-terminal-game/ Upload your modifications somewhere and send me an email (fa-ml@ariis.it).