@hackage Holumbus-Distribution0.0.1

intra- and inter-program communication

This is the Holumbus-Distribution Library

Version 0.0.1

Stefan Schmidt sts@holumbus.org



Holumbus is a set of Haskell libraries. This package contains the Holumbus-Distribution library for building and running a distributed systems. One of the core elements of this library is an Erlang-like mailbox system for interchanging messages between different threads or applications.

This library itself is independent from other Holumbus libraries.


The "Chan" data type form Control.Concurrent.Chan is pretty useful. You can easily use it as a queue for the consumer-producer-problem. One thread writes into the channel, the other reads the data from it. But this only works, if the two threads are running in the same address space. That means the Chan data type cannot be used for the communication of distinct applications, but this scenario is a normal use case.

Therefore it would be very useful to have a single framework for inter- and intra-process communication. One thread can create a mailbox and other threads can send messages to it, though it should make no difference, if the threads are in the same address space or not.

This libary offers a "Stream-Port" implementation, borrowed from the multi-paradigm programming language Mozart/Oz.

A stream in this context is like a mailbox or a receiver. Other threads can send messages to it via a port. A port in this context has nothing to do with the port number of a unix-socket. Think of it as a sender.

To address a stream over the network easily, you can give him a unique name. Then you can create a port, give him that stream name and the messages will be send directly to the stream. This requires you to start the PortRegistry.

The PortRegistry keeps a log for all global communication streams in the network. It MUST be started BEFORE all other programs. In future versions this explicit execution sequence might not be necessary any more, but for now the FIRST thing you have to start is the PortRegistry. There is ONLY ONE one instance allowed in the whole communication network (this might also change).

You can find the main parts for the communication in the module "Holumbus.Network.Port"

This library also contains some parts which might be useful, e.g. some specialized maps (Holumbus.Data) and a commandline user interface (Holumbus.Console). They are used in other Holumbus libraries.


Examples Some example applications Programs The applications you need to run a distributed system. source Source code of the Holumbus-Distribution library.


So far, this library is only tested under Linux, please tell me, if you have problems under Windows or other OS. The Holumbus-Distribution library requires at least GHC 6.10 and the following packages (available via Hackage).

containers hslogger network unix time bytestring binary hxt


A Cabal file is provided, therefore Holumbus-Distribution can be installed using the standard Cabal way:

$ runhaskell Setup.hs configure $ runhaskell Setup.hs build $ runhaskell Setup.hs install --global # with root privileges

This will generate the library and the PortRegestry program.

For those who prefer to build it the old way with make:

$ make build $ make install # with root privileges

If you want to run your own distributed system, you'll need to compile the PortRegistry, too. This can be done with

$ make programs

Steps to make a distributed system running

Before you can use the mailboxes in your own programs, you need to start the PortRegistry BEFORE running any of you programs. If you have compiled the PortRegistry, you can start it with:

$ cd Programs/PortRegistry $ ./PortRegistry

This will create a file "registry.xml" in your "/tmp" directory. This file contains all information for your programs to access the PortRegistry. It is wise to copy this file to every computer, on which you want to run a program of your system.

Before you can send/receive messages in your programs, you'll need to load the "registry.xml" file. This can be done by two simple lines in the IO-monad:

p <- newPortRegistryFromXmlFile "/tmp/registry.xml" setPortRegistry p

To create a simple Mailbox for receiving messages, you can look a the following demo-program:

main :: IO () main = do reg <- newPortRegistryFromXmlFile "/tmp/registry.xml" setPortRegistry reg gS <- (newGlobalStream "global"):: IO (Stream String) msg <- readStream gS putStrLn msg

This program will set up a mailbox and wait till the first message is received and print it out. Then is will terminate. And the following program will send a message to your mailbox:

main :: IO () main = do reg <- newPortRegistryFromXmlFile "/tmp/registry.xml" setPortRegistry reg gP <- (newGlobalPort "global")::IO (Port String) send gP "Hello World"

This program just sends one message to your mailbox.