@hackage Flint20.1.0.2

Haskell bindings for the flint library for number theory

examples of complex_plot in Flint2-examples


Flint2 provides a thin Haskell wrapper for Flint C-library.


  • Install the C-library available from Flint. There are packages available for various operating systems.

  • Install the Haskell interface with

cabal install Flint2 --lib

The depencies are minimal. Flint2 relies on just three libraries: QuickCheck, groups, containers.

Quick Start

A simple example for the application of the library is the factorization of \(2^{256}-1\):

import Data.Number.Flint

main = print $ factor (2^256 - 1 :: Fmpz)

runnnig main prints


examples can be found soon in FLINT2-Examples.