@hackage xmonad-entryhelper0.1.0.0

XMonad config entry point wrapper


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xmonad-entryhelper makes your compiled XMonad config a standalone binary.

It simulates the XMonad's argument handling and supports customized compliation.

Table of Contents


xmonad-entryhelper frees you from keeping a xmonad library as a system- or user- level dependency. Instead, you can keep your XMonad configurations either as a local cabal project using cabal sandbox or within a protected environment like those created by hsenv

Simple setup

  1. After installation, modify your xmonad.hs accordingly:

    Your xmonad config might look like:

     -- some imports here
     import ...
     -- your main entry point
     main :: IO ()
     main = _

    Rename your main to something else, import withHelper from XMonad.Util.EntryHelper and use it to call your old main:

     -- some imports here
     import ...
     import XMonad.Util.EntryHelper (withHelper)
     -- your old main entry point
     oldMain :: IO ()
     oldMain = _
     -- your new main entry point
     main :: IO ()
     main = withHelper oldMain

    It is recommended to set the "restart xmonad" action (typically mod-q in your keybinding) to just invoke xmonad --restart. Although the default action, essentially xmonad --recompile && xmonad --restart should work properly, argument --recompile forces the compilation (which might involve removing all binaries and compiling everything). If you are using a build system like make or cabal, forcing a compilation might not be a desired behavior as build systems are in general designed to prevent recompilation.

  2. Finally you need to have a writable local PATH directory.

    For example you can make directory $HOME/bin:

     mkdir -p ~/bin

    And append the following lines in your shell profile file (it's usually your ~/.bash_profile file):

     # my local executable files
     export PATH="${HOME}/bin:${PATH}"

    Create soft link to your compiled xmonad binary:

     # the binary name varies depending on your OS and architecture,
     # check your ~/.xmonad/ directory to find out
     $ ln -s ~/.xmonad/xmonad-x86_64-linux ~/bin/xmonad

    And verify if xmonad is now leading to your compiled xmonad config:

     $ source ~/.profile
     $ which xmonad

    If this doesn't work, check articles like Zsh/Bash startup files loading order for troubleshooting.

  3. Now you are free to remove XMonad from your system- or user- level packages. Because your compiled XMonad will work on its own:

     $ xmonad --help
     xmonad-entryhelper - XMonad config entry point wrapper
     Usage: xmonad [OPTION]
       --help                       Print this message
       --version                    Print XMonad's version number
       --recompile                  Recompile XMonad
       --replace                    Replace the running window manager with XMonad
       --restart                    Request a running XMonad process to restart

Argument handling

Although this projects tries to resemble the argument handling behavior of XMonad, there are not exact the same. The differences are:

  • When invoked without argument or with --replace or --resume (this argument is not documented, assumably intended for internal use only):

    • XMonad always does up-to-date checking internally and compile source codes as needed before invocations

    • EntryHelper doesn't do up-to-date checking.

      (TL;DR) This is because XMonad is using the following routing when executed:

      1. XMonad started
      2. Check for source files and recompile as needed
      3. Execute the compiled binary
      4. If any goes wrong, start xmonad using default configuration

      This routing only works if XMonad binary and the binary compiled by XMonad are two different programs. But as EntryHelper wants to make your compiled binary and the XMonad program the same file, the same routing will cause an infinite loop (start => check => execute => start ...).

      To solve this problem, in EntryHelper the up-to-date checking is considered one part of the compilation. And the compilation will not be executed unless --recompile or --restart is given.

      Additionally, if you are using a build system like make or cabal to handle compilation, leaving the job of up-to-date checking to the build system would be the simplest approach.

  • When invoked with --restart:

    • EntryHelper will try to recompile (without forcing) before sending the request
    • both XMonad and EntryHelper send the restart request

Advanced features

  • Customized compilation and post-compilation handling

    By passing a Config (from XMonad.Util.EntryHelper.Config) to withCustomHelper, it is possible to customize the compilation and post-compilation actions. Read document of Config for detail.

  • Customized shell command compilation

    You can invoke an arbitrary shell command to do the compilation using compileUsingShell from XMonad.Util.EntryHelper.Compile, the working directory for this shell command will be ~/.xmonad and its stdout and stderr outputs will be redirected into ~/.xmonad/xmonad.errors.

    Assuming you have set your environment variable ${XMONAD_HOME} to point to the project home directory, and you are using Makefile to handle the compilation, the following example should work for you:

      import qualified XMonad.Util.EntryHelper as EH
      main :: IO ()
      main = EH.withCustomHelper mhConf
          mhConf = EH.defaultConfig
                   { EH.run = oldMain
                   , EH.compile = \force -> do
                           let cmd = if force
                             then "cd ${XMONAD_HOME} && make clean && make all"
                             else "cd ${XMONAD_HOME} && make all"
                           EH.compileUsingShell cmd
  • Parallel compilation protection

    You might find withLock from XMonad.Util.EntryHelper.Compile useful to prevent yourself from parallel compilation (this is usually caused by hitting mod-q rapidly multiple times...). It creates a temprary file (typically /tmp/xmonad.{username}.lock) before compiling and deletes it after the compilation is done. When this temprary file exists, no other protected action with the same file lock is allowed to proceed and will return with a default value.

    To protect an action from parallel execution, all you have to do is to replace it with withLock def action, with def being a default value to return when it hits a file lock.

    Continue from the previous example:

      import qualified XMonad.Util.EntryHelper as EH
      main :: IO ()
      main = EH.withCustomHelper mhConf
          mhConf = EH.defaultConfig
                   { EH.run = oldMain
                   -- adding "EH.withLock ExitSuccess $"
                   , EH.compile = \force -> EH.withLock ExitSuccess $ do
                           let cmd = if force
                             then "cd ${XMONAD_HOME} && make clean && make all"
                             else "cd ${XMONAD_HOME} && make all"
                           EH.compileUsingShell cmd

    Be careful not to protect an action more than once.

  • Sending restart request to current xmonad instance

    sendRestart from XMonad.Util.EntryHelper.Util is an exact copy of the same function found in XMonad (unfortunately XMonad doesn't export it). Simply calling this function will sent a restart request to the running XMonad instance.

    Note that XMonad restarts by looking for the compiled binary to replace it, which means the binary file (e.g. ~/.xmonad/xmonad-x86_64-linux) has to exist or otherwise your window manager session will crash.


Feel free to open issues for either bug report, enhancement or discussion.