@hackage webpage0.0.5

Organized and simple web page scaffold for blaze and lucid

This is a general organization scheme for web pages, implemented for Lucid, and adapted for Blaze-html.

 import Web.Page.Lucid

 λ> renderText $ template def "some content"

 ↪ "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><title></title><link href
   rel="icon"></head><body>some content</body></html>"

overload the particular areas with record syntax and stuff:

 λ> let page = def { title = "foo"
                   , bodyScripts = script_ [src_ "jquery.js"] ""}

 λ> template page "some content"

 ↪ "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><title>foo</title>
   </head><body>some content<script