@hackage tubes1.0.0.1

Effectful, iteratee-inspired stream processing based on a free monad.

This package provides the Tube monad transformer, allowing any monad computation to become a stream processing pipeline. A computation of type Tube a b m r consumes values of type a and produces values of type b.

Tubes are coroutines which can suspend computation to yield an intermediate value or continue execution by requesting an upstream value.

Also provided are Pumps, the comonadic dual to Tubes. Examples are provided of how they can be used with Tubes but we have almost certainly only scratched the surface.

Examples and more information may be found at https://github.com/gatlin/tubes.

I seem to have trouble uploading packages where the documentation can be built correctly on Hackage. If I have (once again) messed this up, you can find Haddock documentation at https://niltag.net/tubes. I apologize for any inconvenience!

This should compile on GHC 7.8, but the problem is that previous attempts at setting the versions properly rendered Hackage unable to generate documentation. Hopefully I have this fixed but any advice is welcome.