@hackage svm1.0.0

A support vector machine written in Haskell


svm is a library for doing least squares support vector regression. It is implemented in the Haskell programming language. The library is set up as a Cabal package and can be downloaded from github.com/andrewdougherty/svm.

Currently the library implements:

least squares support vector regression

The following kernel functions are included:

linear kernel function (featureless space) multilayer perceptron (similar to a neural net) polynomial kernel function (polynomial fit of the data) radial basis function (Gaussian basis functions) reciprocal kernel function (decaying exponential basis functions) spline kernel function

For least squares support vector regression, the solution for a set of points is given by:

|y> = K |a> + b |1>

A conjugate gradient algorithm (CGA) is used to find the optimal set of dual weights |alpha>.


Given a set of training points {point, value} least squares support vector regression is done with the command:

dataSet = DataSet svm = LSSVM (KernelFunction ) solution = solve svm dataSet

where the variables in the angles brackets are:

points :: Array Int [Double] -- The point in the feature space. values :: UArray Int Double -- The value at the corresponding point. epsilon :: Double -- A cutoff value for the step size of the CGA. iterNum :: Int -- The max number of iterations for the CGA.