@hackage prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint1.1

Converter from »ansi-wl-pprint« documents to »prettyprinter«-based ones.

ansi-wl-pprint conversion package

This package defines a converter from the old ansi-wl-pprint document type to the new prettyprinter one. Its purpose is making packages that only generate ansi-wl-pprint data available to the prettyprinter ecosystem.

Note the difference to the prettyprinter-compat-ansi-wl-pprint module, which does not convert any data, and instead provides an API that mimicks ansi-wl-pprint, while secretly being prettyprinter-based behind the curtains. This package on the other hand does a proper conversion.

╭────────────────────╮    fromAnsiWlPprint    ╭────────────────────╮
│        Doc         ├───────────────────────▷│   Doc AnsiStyle    │
│  (ansi-wl-pprint)  │◁───────────────────────┤  (prettyprinter)   │
╰────────────────────╯     toAnsiWlPprint     ╰────────────────────╯