@hackage pg-harness0.1.0

REST service for creating temporary PostgreSQL databases

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    This is a REST service for conveniently creating temporary PostgreSQL databases. It is intended for use from tests.

    Simply install, update the configuration INI file to suit your setup, and run as a system service (e.g. via systemd, upstart or similar) -- see the SETUP.txt file for details on what is required of the database setup.

    Once the service is running you can do a HTTP POST to it to create a temporary database. For example,

    $ curl -d '' http://localhost:8900

    The response indicates that the temporary database "temp_ba36rk6rqvs92wbofk55sz5k3pcl0u74x" has been created on the database server "db" (port 5432) and made available to the user "pg-harness-test" using the password "pg-harness-pass".

    The database will automatically be destroyed after a configurable duration, though any temporary databases that have not been destroyed when the service is stopped will stay around.

    NOTE: No attempt has been made to prevent DoS attacks, so you should NOT run this on any network facing the public Internet. It is only meant for development LANs which are firewalled off.