@hackage hspec-hedgehog0.0.1.0

Integrate Hedgehog and Hspec!


Build Status

An integration library for hspec and hedgehog.


import           Control.Concurrent     (threadDelay)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen           as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range         as Range
import           Test.Hspec             (before, describe, hspec, it, shouldBe)
import           Test.Hspec.Hedgehog    (PropertyT, diff, forAll, hedgehog,
                                         (/==), (===))

main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
    describe "regular tests" $ do
        it "works" $ do
            True `shouldBe` True

    describe "hedgehog" $ do
        it "is useful if you get an ambiguous error" $ hedgehog $ do
            "no ambiguity" === "no ambiguity"

    describe "hedgehog tests" $ do
        it "lets you use PropertyT directly" $ hedgehog $ do
            x <- forAll $ Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 1000)
            y <- forAll $ Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 5000)
            diff (x + y) (>=) x

        it "renders a progress bit" $ hedgehog $ do
            x <- forAll $ Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 1000)
            y <- forAll $ Gen.integral (Range.linear 1 5000)
            liftIO $ threadDelay (100 * x + y)

    describe "with hooks" $ do
        before (pure "Hello!") $ do
            it "has functions" $ \str -> hedgehog $
                str === "Hello!"

            it "goes before or after" $ \str -> do
                pure () :: PropertyT IO ()
                str === "Hello!"

            it "generates" $ \str -> hedgehog $ do
                wrongLen <- forAll $ Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 3)
                length str /== wrongLen