@hackage enumerate0.2.2

enumerate all the values in a finite type (automatically)


Hackage Build Status

Enumerate all the values in a finite type (automatically). Provides:

  1. a typeclass for enumerating all values in a finite type,
  2. a generic instance for automatically deriving it, and


    {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-}
    import Data.Enumerate (Enumerable(..))
    import Data.Generics (Generics)

    data CrudOp = Add | Edit | Delete | View
     deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded,Generic,Enumerable)
    data Route = Home | Person CrudOp | House CrudOp
     deriving (Eq,Ord,Generic,Enumerable)

    >>> enumerated :: [Route]
    [Home, Person Add, Person Edit, Person Delete, Person View, House Add, House Edit, House Delete, House View]

(extensive) documentation:


http://sboosali.github.io/documentation/enumerate/Enumerate.html (when hackage won't build the haddocks)


To reify functions, partial or total, into a Map, see enumerate-function.