@hackage dom-selector0.1.0.0

DOM traversal by CSS selectors for xml-conduit package

CSS selector support for xml-conduit/html-conduit. This package supports compile-time checking of CSS selectors using quasiquotes.

  • Quick start

-- The following pragmas should be put first (Haddock does not accept a pragma notation.)
-- LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes
module Main (main) where

import Text.XML.Cursor
import qualified Text.HTML.DOM as H (readFile)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TI (putStrLn)
import Text.XML.Scraping (innerHtml)
import Text.XML.Selector.TH

main :: IO ()
main = do
  c <- fmap fromDocument $ H.readFile "input.html"
  let cs = queryT [jq| ul#foo > li.bar |] c
  TI.putStrLn $ innerHtml cs

You can use some elementary CSS selectors for traversing a DOM tree.

  • Other examples
