@hackage coinor-clp0.0

Linear Programming using COIN-OR/CLP and comfort-array

Simple interface to linear programming functions provided by COIN-OR using the flexible Array shape framework from comfort-array.

E.g. you can use Shape.Tuple to convert safely between nested tuples and arrays with the same number of elements.

type X = Shape.Element
type PairShape = Shape.NestedTuple Shape.TupleIndex (X,X)

case Shape.indexTupleFromShape (Shape.static :: PairShape) of
  (posIx,negIx) ->
    case mapSnd (mapSnd Array.toTuple) <$>
         LP.simplex [] [[1.*posIx, (-1).*negIx] ==. 314]
            Array.fromTuple (23,42) :: Array PairShape Double)
        (Right (LP.Optimal, (absol, (pos, neg)))) ->
          printf "absol %f,  pos %f, neg %f\n" absol pos neg
        _ -> fail "COINOR solver failed"

Alternatives: comfort-glpk, hmatrix-glpk, glpk-hs