@hackage astar-monad0.1.0.0

A* Monad

Easily do A* searches with use of arbitrary monadic effects!


  • Use <|> or asum (anything using Alternative) to branch into multiple possible choices.
  • Use updateCost myCost to set the value of your 'heuristic' function whenever you've done enough work to change your estimate. Remember that A* heuristics should always be pessimistic (e.g. can over-estimate cost, but shouldn't UNDER estimate).
  • Every call to updateCost creates a branch; Branches with LOWER costs will run before those with higher costs.
  • Call done mySolution to short circuit ALL running branches and immediately return your result.
  • AStarT has a built-in State monad which automatically keeps state contiguous in spite of branching. This means that your state monad will properly switch states when switching branches. Just use state normally, it should work as expected. You can store your current branch's solution-space for instance, or the path you've followed to get to the current solution; or both!

Here's an example of using A* to find a path to a location in a 2 dimensional grid.

-- Track which moves we've made, up, down, left or right
data Move = U | D | L | R
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- Track our current position, the goal we're moving towards, and the moves we've taken so far.
data Context =
    Context { _currentPos :: (Int, Int)
            , _goal    :: (Int, Int)
            , _moves   :: [Move]
    deriving (Show, Eq)
makeLenses ''Context

-- The Manhattan distance between two points
-- This is our A* heuristic
distanceTo :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Int
distanceTo (x, y) (x', y') = abs (x - x') + abs (y - y')

-- Move around the space looking for the destination point.
findPoint :: AStar Context Int () ()
findPoint = do
    c <- use currentPos
    gl <- use goal
    -- I could return the moves we took, 
    -- but our State is automatically returned when we run AStar
    when (c == gl) $ done ()
    -- We have more work to do, we should update the cost estimate and continue
    updateCost $ distanceTo gl c
    if c == gl 
       then done ()
       else updateCost $ distanceTo gl c
    -- Non-deterministically choose a direction to move, 
    -- store that move in our state, and edit our current position.
        [ moves <>= [R] >> currentPos . _1 += 1 >> findPoint
        , moves <>= [L] >> currentPos . _1 -= 1 >> findPoint
        , moves <>= [D] >> currentPos . _2 += 1 >> findPoint
        , moves <>= [U] >> currentPos . _2 -= 1 >> findPoint

-- We only care about the ending state, so we use `execAStar`
-- `runAStarT` is the most powerful and runs a monad-transformer version
-- and returns both the state and result type.
run :: Maybe Context
run = execAStar findPoint
             Context { _current = (5, 5)
                     , _goal    = (7, 4)
                     , _moves   = []

-- run it to see if we found a solution; it returns the state of the the 'winning' branch.
>>> run 
Just (Context { _current = (7, 4)
              , _goal    = (7, 4)
              , _moves   = [U, R, R]