@hackage ast-path0.1.2

vocabulary representation for predicting program properties


AST-path is a representation for predicting program properties.

AST-path is described in the paper "A General Path-Based Representation for Predicting Program Properties" (PLDI'2018) https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.09544 and used at https://code2vec.org/ and at https://code2seq.org/.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
import Data.ASTPath

data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance AST a => AST (Tree a)
instance AST Int where
  astPathWithHalf = terminalPath show

>>> astPath $ Node (Leaf 0) (Node (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2))
  • Installation

  • Dependencies (1)

  • Dependents (0)