@hackage arduino-copilot1.7.6

Arduino programming in haskell using the Copilot stream DSL

Arduino programming in haskell using the Copilot stream DSL

See Copilot.Arduino for details on how to use write a program using this library.

For example, to make an Arduino blink its LED:

import Copilot.Arduino
main = arduino $ do
	led =: blinking
	delay =: MilliSeconds (constant 100)

This and other examples are included in the Examples/ directory, each with their own README explaining how to build and use them.


Contributions are welcome, including adding support for more Arduino C libraries, provided that the C library is reasonably commonly used, and is licensed with a free software license.

Contributors of such libraries will be expected to maintain them, otherwise they may get removed if they are blocking changes to arduino-copilot or are buggy.

Any contribution should have well documented functions and types.