@hackage apple0.2.0.0

Apple array language compiler

Apple Array System

Many cases are not implemented. This is provided as an artefact.

The compiler will bail out with arcane error messages rather than produce an incorrect result, except that the Python/R extension modules do not enforce type safety and thus may mysteriously segfault or produce unpredictable corrupt results.

Spilling (during register allocation) is not implemented for Arm. Also floating-point registers aren't spilled on x86.


Rather than an environment-based interpreter or a compiler invoked on the command line and generating object files, one calls a library function which returns assembly or machine code from a source string.

Thus the same implementation can be used interpreted, compiled, or called from another language.

 > [((+)/x)%ℝ(:x)]\`7 (frange 1 10 10)
Arr (4) [4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0]
>>> import apple
>>> import numpy as np
>>> sliding_mean=apple.jit('([((+)/x)%(ℝ(:x))]\`7)')
>>> apple.f(sliding_mean,np.arange(0,10,dtype=np.float64))
array([3., 4., 5., 6.])
> source("R/apple.R")
> sliding_mean<-jit("([((+)/x)%ℝ(:x)]\\`7)")
> run(sliding_mean,seq(0,10,1.0))
[1] 3 4 5 6 7

Dimension As a Functor

This is based on J (and APL?). Looping is replaced by functoriality (rerank).

To supply a zero-cells (scalars) as the first argument to (cons) and 1-cells as the second:


We can further specify that the cells should be selected along some axis, e.g. to get vector-matrix multiplication:

  dot ⇐ [(+)/((*)`x y)];
  (dot x)`{1∘[2]} (A::Arr (i`Cons`j`Cons`Nil) float)

The 2 means "iterate over the second axis" i.e. columns.


Use ghcup to install cabal and GHC. Then:

make install

to install arepl (the REPL).


sudo make install-lib

To install the shared library.


To install the Python module:

make install-py


Install libappler.so on your system like so:

make -C Rc
sudo make install-r



to access the functions.


Type \l in the REPL to show the reference card:

 > \l
Λ             scan                     √             sqrt
⋉             max                      ⋊             min
⍳             integer range            ⌊             floor
ℯ             exp                      ⨳ {m,n}       convolve
\~            successive application   \`n           dyadic infix
_.            log                      'n            map
`             zip                      `{i,j∘[k,l]}  rank
𝒻             range (real)             𝜋             pi
_             negate                   :             size
𝓉             dimension                }.?           last
->n           select                   **            power
gen.          generate                 𝓕             fibonacci
re:           repeat                   }.            typesafe last
⊲             cons                     ⊳             snoc
^:            iterate                  %.            matmul
⊗             outer product            |:            transpose
{.?           head                     {.            typesafe head
}.?           last                     }:            typesafe init
⟨z,w⟩         array literal            ?p,.e1,.e2    conditional

Enter :help in REPL:

 > :help
:help, :h                    Show this help
:ty            <expression>  Display the type of an expression