@hackage Sprig0.1.1

Binding to Sprig

SPriG Bindings for Haskell

This is an (incomplete) binding to Haskell for the SDL Primitive Generator (SPriG) library developed by Jonny D. It is a fork of the SGE primitives system, which exposes a fairly nice API.

This binding is written by Liam O'Connor-Davis. To contact him, write to:

liamoc at cse dot unsw edu dot au

The git repository of this project is located at

location: http://github.com/kamatsu/sprig-hs.git

You need cabal, autoconf, SDL, HSSDL.

To build, type:

cabal configure cabal build

To install, type:

cabal install

To generate documentation, type:

cabal haddock

To generate an sdist, type:

cabal sdist