@hackage Flint20.1.0.0

Haskell bindings for the flint library for number theory


Flint2 provides a thin Haskell wrapper for Flint C-library.


Clone it with

git clone https://github.com/monien/Flint2.git

then goto to the Flint2 directory and use

stack install
stack haddock

Have a look at the Main.hs in the app directory first and then use As long as Flint2 is not available from Stackage (Hackage) this requires specification of the location of Flint2 in the global stack.yaml file which might be either a local directory or github commit. See the stack documentation for details.

stack install Flint2
stack haddock Flint2

This will install a binary flint_test in ~/.local/bin which is just shows the basic functionality of the current Flint2 wrapper.

stack ghci

for Flint2 in a haskell shell.

Quick Start

A simple program using the thin wrapper would be

import Data.Number.Flint

main = do 
  x <- newFmpz
  y <- newFmpz
  withFmpz x $ \x -> do
    withFmpz y $ \y -> do
      fmpz_set_ui x 7
      fmpz_set_ui y 6
      fmpz_mul x x y
      fmpz_print x  

which will print the numerical value 42.

In the app directory more practical information on how to use the thin wrapper can be found. The above example simplifies to

include Fmpz

main = do
  let x = 7 :: Fmpz 
      y = 6 :: Fmpz
  print $ x*y
  print $ factor (42 :: Fmpz)

which prints
