Efficient Arrays
Pseudo-random number generation
Core data structures and operations
Modern and extensible testing framework
Primitive memory-related operations
Deep evaluation of data structures
Core data structures and operations
Efficient Streams
Efficient Arrays
Primitive memory-related operations
Core data structures and operations
Test interactive Haskell examples
Efficient Arrays
Primitive memory-related operations
Core data structures and operations
Inspection testing support for tasty
Modern and extensible testing framework
Efficient Arrays
Concrete functor and monad transformers
Support library for Template Haskell
Pseudo-random number generation
Primitive memory-related operations
Core data structures and operations
QuickCheck support for the Tasty test framework.
HUnit support for the Tasty test framework.
Modern and extensible testing framework
Backwards-compatible orphan instances for base
Automatic testing of Haskell programs
Efficient Arrays
Concrete functor and monad transformers
Support library for Template Haskell
Pseudo-random number generation
Primitive memory-related operations
Core data structures and operations
QuickCheck support for the Tasty test framework.
HUnit support for the Tasty test framework.
Modern and extensible testing framework
Backwards-compatible orphan instances for base
Automatic testing of Haskell programs